Highly Suspect Agency

Updating to Fabric 1.18 notes

I want to get off Mx. Mojang's Wild Ride

Java 17

Unlike the big Java 8 to 16 jump we did last time, there are fewer weird tooling troubles with Java 17.

I don't know why the process of "getting the most recent version of OpenJDK" seems to change every 15 minutes, but these days, go to Eclipse Adoptium and get Temurin 17, which is relabeled OpenJDK, which is relabeled Hotspot. Why. I'm sure come the next Minecraft java version bump the process will be different again.

If you're on Windows and use Scoop, scoop install temurin17-jdk. If you're on Linux, I (for once) get to make fun of your package manager because it's probably still stuck on 11. Don't bother with Oracle's site.

Couple things to check:


Update Gradle to 7.3. It has better support for Java 17. It sometimes works without updating the wrapper, but Github Actions in particular is super picky.

./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 7.3

# check
./gradlew --version


If you're getting crap like major version 61 is newer than 60, the highest major version supported by this compiler. It is recommended that the compiler be upgraded. or invalid source release: 17, here are some magical incantations to try:

If that didn't work:

Native libraries problem?

I had some weird issue about LWJGL not being able to find native libraries, which caused the game to crash with a NoClassDefFound on blaze3d.RenderSystem. I don't know if the following actually fixed it, but I did this and then it worked: delete the "Minecraft Client" and "Minecraft Server" run configurations, then run clean to have Loom re-create them.


Fabricmc versions says at the bottom in bold letters, The recommended loom version is 0.10-SNAPSHOT, so, do that. It's at the top of your build.gradle. It also works ok on Minecraft 1.17 so why not.


If you haven't started using official Mojang names, now is a good time to start. Yarn is atrophying a bit in the presence of Mojang's names, since the project isn't as needed anymore.

I recommend remapping to official names first, and then updating to 1.18 next. Just so you have fewer changes and less to worry about at each step.

To run the auto-remapper, before changing anything relating to mappings in the buildscript (so loom can figure out what mappings you're currently on), run gradlew migrateMappings --mappings "net.minecraft:mappings:1.17.1", or maybe ending in only 1.17 if your mod was written against 1.17.0. Finish up by copying remappedSrc over src/main.

Then, adjust your buildscript as follows. If you don't mind not having parameter names in genSources, replace this:

mappings "net.fabricmc:yarn:${project.yarn_mappings}:v2"

with this:

mappings loom.officialMojangMappings() //notice the "loom"

And if you want some parameter names, the ParchmentMC project provides some. Add them to your repositories block:

repositories {
    maven {
        name = "ParchmentMC"
        url = "https://maven.parchmentmc.net/"

and use this for your mappings instead:

mappings loom.layered() {
    officialMojangMappings() //notice no "loom"

I don't think there is a Parchment release for 1.18 yet. Parchment releases for the wrong version actually still work, though (more or less).

Some sharp edges with the auto remapper:

Fabric API

Tool Tags

fabric-tool-tags has been deprecated. It still works, for now, but is marked Deprecated(forRemoval = true). I encourage you to migrate to the vanilla mineable/blah block tags now, before you have to do it. Throw em in your datagen if you want. (fabric-api JUST landed some datagen tools, btw)

fabric-mining-level-api adds additional fabric:mineable/sword and fabric:mineable/shears block tags.

Block Entity Syncing

BlockEntityClientSerializable is gone 🦀

The reason it existed in the first place was that BlockEntity#getUpdatePacket was not pluggable by mods, and it was hard to convince the game to actually sync your block entity data with the client. 1.18 changed getUpdatePacket so mods can use it, meaning a workaround is no longer needed.

There is a general-purpose block entity syncing vanilla packet, mojang name ClientboundBlockEntityDataPacket. It calls BlockEntity#getUpdateTag on the server and sends the resulting compound tag to the client, which proceeds to call the normal BlockEntity#load method on the client world with it.

Many vanilla BlockEntitys have this boilerplate:

public Packet<ClientGamePacketListener> getUpdatePacket() {
    return ClientboundBlockEntityDataPacket.create(this);

public CompoundTag getUpdateTag() {
    //calls into "saveAdditional", which is the mojang name for
    //the general-purpose "write my data to NBT" method on BlockEntities
    //that you are familiar with
    return saveWithoutMetadata();

This setup will sync the entirety of the server's NBT tag (save the redundant id and x/y/z fields, which aren't written when using saveWithoutMetadata) to the client. If you don't want to send the entire tag, return something different in getUpdateTag (see: the campfire).

Calling level.sendBlockUpdated(getBlockPos(), getBlockState(), getBlockState(), 3); will fire the server-to-client sync packet, just like what BlockEntityClientSerializable#sync did. That's kind of a mouthful of a method name, and you typically want to call it in the same contexts you'd mark the chunk dirty in, so many vanilla BlockEntitys have this helper method defined as well:

//(not an @Override!)
private void markUpdated() {
    //you may know this one as "markDirty":
    //causes the update packet to be sent:
    level.sendBlockUpdated(getBlockPos(), getBlockState(), getBlockState(), 3);

Know that the vanilla ClientboundBlockEntityDataPacket calls the same load method that loading a BlockEntity on the server calls. (You are free to make your own Packet<?> and return it in getUpdatePacket, although it's a bit awkward because I don't know if you can use the fabric-api convention of custom payload packets here.)

Of interest to codecbrained dorks:

Registry<T> no longer directly implements Codec<T>, but it does offer a byNameCodec() method. The returned codec works the same as it used to; i.e. it saves and loads the registry entry to its ResourceLocation.