Highly Suspect Agency

I don't really know what "December Adventure" is?

A couple people in my circles have been posting about something called "December Adventure". I can't find who started this or what it's about, but from some googling, the commonalities look like:

Oh! Found the blogger who started this last year, think I got the vibe correct.

Historically my work ethic has been miserable, prone to faltering from things in my control (mood swings, distractions) and things less in my control (how physical health decides to treat me that day). I'm burned out of most of my existing projects. I've tried Advent of Code but when it gets difficult, I won't lie, it starts being a chore :(

A little bit of loose, for-fun structure and an excuse to try new things might help kick things back into gear, eh? The semester is coming to a close after all...

Here are some things I might work on this month?